Diagsense ltd



Diagsense Provide:


(1Predictive Maintenance solutions for mechanical systems and pipelines.
(2) AI algorithm to enhance mechanical system efficiency.
Diagsense developed predictive maintenance & system optimization solutions for mechanical systems and pipelines.
We do that by analyzing the raw data we receive from the machine engine computer/controller or the SCADA DB.


Diagsense provides an advanced indication of mechanical failure long before it turns into operational disruption.
As a result of our work, manufacturers increased employee safety, environmental compliance, and the prevention of production losses.
by continually analyzing machinery data, from multiple sensors, Diagsense‘ Algorithm detects deviations from normal and alerts upon evolving malfunction.


Innovation –  Condition-based maintenance is not a new idea, but the market will demand accurate results, easy deployment and at the bottom line, affordable solution.


Diagsense main Services:
1. Diagnosis of a given situation – Finding the root cause of existing problems.
2. Predictive Maintenance for mechanical systems / mechanical equipment – Reduction of faults and accelerated wear rate through improved maintenance processes.
3. Optimization of electromechanical equipment and systems – Maximize system performance while keeping the actual energy consumption.
4. Predicting the behavior of the machines and the consumers – to provide the conditions for effective operation and continuous optimization.
5. Maintaining a stable system – by automatically or periodically calibrating the system.

Moreover, Our small-footprint Predictive Software Model can be deployed on the Edge or in the Data Center of your choice (on-premise, private/public cloud) in accordance with the operational scenario.